The Academy Directory is a listing of the current Fellows of the American
Academy of Assisted Reproductive Technology Attorneys in each state or
Canadian province. For those involved in family building utilizing assisted
reproductive technology (ART), working with an experienced ART attorney will
ensure you receive the best advice and guidance available for your needs.
The Directory is the "go to" resource for locating an ART attorney in your
home state or another state depending on your circumstances. You can search
the directory using the menu on the left side of the screen. You may search
either by State or by Attorney Name. To search by State simply use the drop
down menu to identify the State which will provide the names of each Academy
Fellow in that State. You may then locate the attorney by placing your mouse
over the attorneys name which will reveal where in the State they are
located and will cause their information to "pop up" on the map. At this
point you may click on the "more information" to reach information about the
specific attorney including a link to their direct website. To search by
name you can click the "Search by Name" box on the left and begin typing the
attorneys first or last name and Fellow with that name will "pop up" below
the search box.